ATB Gran Fondo Highwood Pass - Longview, AB.
The Gran Fondo Highwood Pass is now retired and will not operate in 2023. We encourage you to check out Gran Fondo Badlands - July 8, 2023!
Nothing compares to the remote majesty of the Canadian Rockies. Located SW of Calgary, the ATB Financial Gran Fondo Highwood Pass travels 159 km or 87 km through the heart of the Rockies on the highest paved road pass in Canada.
You’re going to have a truly epic experience, passing through huge mountain ranges and sharing the scenery with wildlife like elk, deer, moose, big horn sheep, and possibly even bear during this wheeled trek.
Gran Fondo Highwood Pass offers a rewarding challenge for the weekend warrior, hardcore roadie or triathlete-in-training. Riders of all abilities will appreciate the opportunity to ride one of our two distances at their own pace while enjoying first-class support.

Dates & Location
Saturday, July 9th, 2022
The ATB Financial Gran Fondo Highwood Pass will again start and finish in Longview, Alberta.
2022 Race Guide
Our race guide has everything you need to know about the ATB Financial Gran Fondo Highwood Pass. Start your race off on the right foot by getting to know it inside and out.
To view and download the Race Guide you must download the Ride with GPS app:
Download the Ride with GPS mobile app for free via the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store
Tap Open Shortcut.
Enter shortcut (GFHP22) or scan the QR code to the right.
You'll be prompted to download the Experience (Race Guide). Tap Download to begin.
*2022 Maps and Schedule subject to change due to permitting.
Friday, July 8th, 2022 11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Package Pickup: TCR Sport Lab, 1815 10th Ave SW, Calgary
Saturday, July 9th, 2022
6:45 AM - 7:45 AM Last minute Package Pickup (no on-site registration) - Longview
7:30 AM Start Corral Open - Longview Elementary School
7:45 AM Full Distance Gran Fondo Call to Start
8:00 AM Gran Fondo Full Distance Start
8:30 AM Gran Fondo Lite Distance Start
10:30 AM First Riders Expected at Finish
1:00 PM Finish Festival Opens - Longview Elementary School
4:00 PM Course Closes
5:00 PM Finish Festival Closes
Start List
Start List Updated February 11, 2022
Launch Sale: SOLD OUT
Early Bird Phase 2 - November 4, 2021 to April 28, 2022
$169 Full Distance / $149 Lite Distance
Early Bird Phase 3 - April 29 to June 16, 2022
$179 Full Distance / $159 Lite Distance
Final Phase - June 17 to July 6, 2022
$189 Full Distance / $169 Lite Distance
Fully stocked food and refreshment table
Draw prizes
Gran Festa Finisher’s Party
Finisher's Medals
Female 18 - 29
Female 30 - 39
Female 40 - 49
Female 50+
Male 18 - 29
Male 30 - 39
Male 40 - 49
Male 50+
*Age as of December 31st, 2021
Race Results
Click here for the 2022 ATB Gran Fondo Highwood Pass results.
The road is not closed to traffic. Ride to the right of the white line on the shoulder of the road or risk disqualification. NOTE: THIS RULE WILL BE ENFORCED. You may only ride in the traffic lane briefly if the shoulder is unsafe or if passing.
Notice from Alberta Parks - Enforcement action will be taken on any individual committing unlawful infractions in the above or any applicable Acts or effective legislation.There will be two wave starts, a fast/fastest group and a moderate/mellow group. Please start in the group you registered for or notify a race official if you are starting in a different wave so that we can give you the correct time.
No littering on course – offenders will be disqualified. This includes gel and food wrappers dropped intentionally or accidentally.
Cut-Off Times for Check Points: You will be transported to the finish line if you don’t make the cut off times. Cutoff Times: CP1 – 11AM, CP2 – 1 PM, CP3-3PM, Maximum Finishing Time: 4PM.
Participants must carry bear spray at all times. Gear will be checked upon entry to the start corral as well as during the race. Not carrying bears spray is grounds for immediate disqualification.
Refund Policy
The following refund policy applies to all TransRockies Race Series events with the exception of the Singletrack 6 and the TransRockies Run.There are no refunds for cancellation of entry to any TransRockies Race Series event.
Refund Policy:
For registrations purchased on or after May 25, 2022, there are no refunds, roll-overs/deferrals, or credit issued if you cancel your entry. Transfers of entry to another participant for the Grand Fondo 2022 may be permitted at the discretion of TransRockies Inc.
For registrations purchased before May 25, 2022 and/or registrations/deferrals/credits from the 2020 & 2021 event - due to the change in date for this year's event, we will provide a full refund if you are no longer able to attend. Please email Jen Ashton at registration@transrockies.com by June 15, 2022 with your first & last name to cancel your registration and to request a refund.
TransRockies Inc. reserves the right to cancel any TransRockies Race Series event, cancel race stages or change the route on short notice due to fire bans/fire closures, air quality, weather conditions, wildlife or safety concerns, pandemic, unforeseen construction, Acts of God or other such reasons with no reimbursement to the participant.
In the case of event cancellation by Transrockies Inc, no refunds will be available. All entries will be transferred to the next available date that the event is able to operate.
Almost sold out!
Free Gran Fondo Training Plan
from Coach Cal Zaryski:
Click HERE for the free Gran Fondo Training Plan.
The Gran Fondo Experience
Gran Fondo Logistics
Route Recon
Gran Fondo Training Tips
with Coach Cal
The Routes
*All stages are subject to change at anytime for quality and permitting.
Full Route
Lite Route